This is a submission to the 2021 Thinky Puzzle Game Jam.  It's, well, puzzly.  And in theory solvable.  I kind of have no idea what to expect, so I'm hoping for the best....

Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
GenrePuzzle, Interactive Fiction


Escape the Elephant in the Room 1 kB


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Ah! I know I'm a year late but I love this. I did need to decode a comment to get how many questions to ask but I didn't even need to use any of the tile clues (which were very confusing but fun if you're into that kind of thing). 

Thanks!  Glad you liked it!

Just solved it! I had some trouble getting started, but I really liked the main puzzle. Rest of the feedback in rot13, because spoilers.

V arire svtherq bhg ubj gb npghnyyl ybbx ng gur qrpbe. Nsgre abgvpvat gung V pbhyq gnyx gb gur ryrcunag naq ybbx ng vgf obql cnegf, V svtherq V’q whfg gel ybbxvat ng gur guvatf gurl xrrc orvat pbzcnerq gb, naq gung jbexrq. Gur qrfpevcgvbaf bs gubfr (naq gur snpg gung gurer’f nccneragyl n gnax gung gur fanxr vf va) znqr vg frrz yvxr gurer’f n jnl gb trg gur qrfpevcgvbaf bs gur birenyy gb znxr bhg gurfr bowrpgf.

Nsgre gung, vg jnf n yvggyr grqvbhf gb purpx rirel pbzovangvba bs vgrz naq crefba, rfcrpvnyyl fvapr gurer jnf ab punyyratr vaibyirq.

Svanyyl, nffrzoyvat gur pyhrf, V zbfgyl fgnegrq jvgu gur uvagf nobhg yrggref naq jbeq yratguf/pbhagf naq gura svtherq bhg gur nantenzf. V znqr fbzr rqhpngrq thrffrf nobhg gur fanxr pyhrf naq gura bayl arrqrq bar be gjb bs gur sna pyhrf gb svther bhg gur fbyhgvba.

V ernyvfr gung fpbcr vf n ovt yvzvgngvba va wnz tnzrf, ohg V guvax n sha jnl gb znxr guvf n yvggyr zber ratntvat (naq qrny jvgu gur vffhr bs gur fbyhgvba orvat birepbafgenvarq) zvtug or gb ybpx rnpu vgrz naq rnpu crefba oruvaq n fznyy ohg havdhr chmmyr. Fb lbh’ir tbg 12 bs gurfr fznyy chmmyrf, naq qrcraqvat ba ubj znal lbh pna fbyir, lbh trg naljurer orgjrra 0 naq 36 pyhrf sbe gur fbyhgvba (jvgu na vapragvir gb zvk vgrz naq crefba chmmyrf), nffhzvat gur jnyyf jbhyq tvir pyhrf nf jryy.

Anyway, I had a lot of fun, and really liked the theme/metaphor of the elephant. :)


All very valid points.

To the first point: Lbh pna'g ybbx ng gur qrpbe vgfrys, bayl gur guvatf lbh'ir orra erzvaqrq bs.  (I think Desuovi had the same issue--i.e., that it wasn't obvious that something had changed at that point--and I think I need to telegraph it.)

As for the rest: I think it falls very much into the "scope of a Game Jam game" category; I'd love to do more (keep an eye out for more parser games from me, somewhere down the line!), but the limited scope of the game jam sparked the idea you saw, rather than something larger with more pieces hidden behind more things.  Still thinking about ways to incorporate wordplay into a parser game.  (Other than just pointing people to Emily Short's Counterfeit Monkey and admitting it's the acme of the genre.)

Just solved - that was a cute little game!

(rot13) V tbg fghpx sbe n juvyr orpnhfr V qvqa'g npghnyyl qb nalguvat gung jbhyq yrg zr frr gur "fgngr punatr" nsgre gung jnf npgvingrq. V jvfu gurer unq orra fbzr fbeg bs vaqvpngbe bs gung punatr. (Znlor gung'f whfg qhr gb zr abg orvat rkcrevraprq rabhtu jvgu grkg nqiragherf gb unir gung vafgvapg, gubhtu.)

Nyfb, vf gurer nal cnegvphyne ernfba gung gur jnyyf qvqa'g cebivqr vasbezngvba? Jrer gurer whfg ab bgure natyrf gb nccebnpu vg sebz?

To the first point: V xarj gung jnf na vffhr, naq cebonoyl fubhyq unir chg va fbzr fbeg bs phr gung lbh fubhyq "ybbx" ntnva; V raqrq hc whfg pbhagvat ba gur vqrn gung ng fbzr cbvag cynlref jbhyq or yvxr "bx, ehaavat bhg bs vqrnf, yrg'f ertebhc, svefg yrg'f ybbx ng gur ebbz ntnva".  Vs V erivfr guvf, V'yy qrsvavgryl vapyhqr na vaqvpngbe.

To the second:

Gurer jrer gjb ernfbaf gur jnyyf qvqa'g cebivqr vasbezngvba.  Bar jnf gung V znqr gung qrpvfvba orsber znxvat "nfx K nobhg L" jbex (orpnhfr bs fbzr pbzcyvpngrq Vasbez 7 fghss gung znxrf "L" va gung pbagrkg or gur yvgreny grkg naq abg nal ersrerapr gb na bowrpg); gur bgure, ynetre ernfba jnf gung nsgre svir jnlf bs qrfpevovat gur anzr, V yvgrenyyl whfg ena bhg bs vqrnf sbe pyhrf. :-)

Mostly: glad you liked it!
(2 edits)

It seems like this puzzle is too open-ended to be solved by a single player, so it might be a good idea to share tips and hints here in the comments.
For starters, I'm pretty sure the poster on the wall ('look poster') is going to be important...
[EDIT] Came back to it and was able to solve it on my own, although I used a lot of help from the Discord channel, especially to find how to get started!

It's definitely solvable on your own, but yeah it might not be obvious what to do at the start. You're on the right track with the poster.

I'm assured by a single player that he did indeed solve it.  (OK, I don't know whether he's single; I haven't delved into his relationship status.  But he did solve it alone...)  Disclaimer: he's experienced with both IF and word puzzles; people unused to one or the other might find it daunting.